Sara Lazar

Sara W. Lazar, PhD, is an Associate Researcher in the Psychiatry Department at Massachusetts General Hospital and an Assistant Professor in Psychology at Harvard Medical School. The focus of her research is to elucidate the neural mechanisms underlying the beneficial effects of yoga and meditatio...

Matti HÀmÀlÀinen and the Music of MEG

Every Christmas back home in Finland, the Martinos Center’s Matti HĂ€mĂ€lĂ€inen gathers with friends for an evening of performing chamber music. He plays both flute and piano on these occasions; in more recent years he has explored the repertoire for “piano four hands” with his former classmate Laur...

Iris Yuwen Zhou

Dr. Iris Yuwen Zhou is an Assistant Professor of Radiology at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School and a faculty member in the Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging. She has a background in both electronic engineering and biomedical engineering, with specific tr...

Ross Mair

As the Head of MR Physics at the Harvard University Center for Brain Science, Neuroimaging facility, Dr. Mair's role involves investigation and implementation of novel MRI methods for neuroimaging using the 3.0T MRI scanner, along with facility management duties. His research time has been split ...

Jessie Fang-Lu Fu

Dr. Jessie Fang-Lu Fu's research focuses on the translational application of multimodal neuroimaging, Positron Emission Tomography (PET) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), and machine learning in neurodegenerative disorders. Her main research interests include (i) evaluating the capability of ...

Computational Services

Computing Facilities  The Center’s IT infrastructure consists of over 400 CentOS Linux workstations and 150 Windows and Macintosh desktops in offices and labs owned by individual research groups. There is a server farm with over 50 Linux servers that handles central storage, email, web, print, s...

Yi-Fen Yen

Over the past two decades, Dr. Yen has devoted herself to the development of advanced MRI techniques, for hyperpolarized metabolic imaging, cancer imaging and functional imaging in clinical and pre-clinical research. She is an MR physicist with >100 publications in peer-reviewed scientific jou...

Maria Angela Franceschini

Maria Angela Franceschini, PhD, is widely recognized as a leader in the field of diffuse optical imaging in both neuroscience and clinical neuro-monitoring applications. Her research interests lie mainly in the development of novel optical imaging methods to achieve a deeper understanding of the ...

Eve Valera

Dr. Valera is an Associate Professor in Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and a Research Scientist at Massachusetts General Hospital. She has worked in the field of domestic violence for nearly 25 years using a range of methodologies to understand the neural, neuropsychological and psychologic...

Hakan Ay

Dr. Hakan Ay is an MD with residency training in Neurology and fellowship training in Vascular Neurology. He currently serves as an Associate Professor at Harvard Medical School with appointments in both departments of Neurology and Radiology at the Massachusetts General Hospital. Dr. Ay has 28 y...

Woman of the Year: Alexandra Touroutoglou

The Martinos Center’s Alexandra Touroutoglou has been named Woman of the Year in the “Expatriate” category by the Greek magazine BeautĂ©. She accepted the award during a ceremony at the Athens Concert Hall, which was broadcast on March 8th in recognition of International Women’s Day. The award ...

Sava Sakadzic

Dr. Sakadzic obtained his Ph.D. with Dr. Lihong Wang at Texas A&M University and completed his postdoctoral training with Dr. David Boas at the Massachusetts General Hospital. His group is developing state-of-the-art optical microscopy imaging technologies and utilizing them to better understand ...

MEG Method May Hold the Secret to Baldness

A variety of factors can stop hair from forming and growing properly, leading to hair diseases and baldness. A new method developed recently by investigators at the MGH Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging examines the activity of hair follicles and could be useful for testing the effects of di...