Larry Wald to Receive Distinguished Investigator Award

The Academy for Radiology & Biomedical Imaging Research has announced the MGH Martinos Center's Larry Wald as one of 42 researchers to receive the Academy’s 2018 Distinguished Investigator Award. This prestigious honor recognizes individuals for their accomplishments in the field of medical i...

Jonathan Polimeni

Jon Polimeni, PhD, is an Assistant Professor of Radiology at Harvard Medical School. His PhD thesis was on the measurement and modeling of visuotopic maps in macaque and human visual cortex. His postdoctoral training was under the supervision of Professor Lawrence L. Wald at the Athinoula A. Mart...

Anastasia Yendiki

Dr. Anastasia Yendiki's background is in statistical signal and image processing. She received a PhD in Electrical Engineering: Systems from the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, where she worked on inverse problems in tomographic reconstruction for nuclear imaging under the supervision of Jef...

Daphne Holt

Dr. Holt has studied the neural basis of psychosis throughout her career, initially in post-mortem samples and subsequently (since 2002) using neuroimaging. Using functional neuroimaging in combination with physiology, behavioral tasks and clinical assessments, she has investigated the neurocogni...

Kenneth Kwong

Kenneth Kwong, PhD, has been conducting magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) research for more than 30 years with expertise in diffusion (R.1), functional imaging (R.2) and perfusion imaging (R.3). He was one of the earliest researchers to explore MR diffusion imaging of healthy subjects and patients...

Sava Sakadzic

Dr. Sakadzic obtained his Ph.D. with Dr. Lihong Wang at Texas A&M University and completed his postdoctoral training with Dr. David Boas at the Massachusetts General Hospital. His group is developing state-of-the-art optical microscopy imaging technologies and utilizing them to better understand ...

Ona Wu

The research goals of Dr. Wu's group are to improve the diagnosis, prognosis and management of patients with brain injury by quantifying and monitoring injury or recovery on an individual patient basis. The group focuses particularly on stroke, cardiac arrest and traumatic brain injury. Predictin...

Christian Farrar

The Farrar group's research program is focused on the development of novel Magnetic Resonance molecular imaging contrast agents and methods and on the development of innovative Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) methods for characterizing vascular structure and function. The tools being developed i...

Nutrition and Brain Growth in the Developing World

The aging pickup truck bounces along a dirt road somewhere outside Bissora, one of the larger towns in the Oio region of the West African nation of Guinea-Bissau. The road, a major thoroughfare in the region, is pocked with holes. The rest of the year these would be deep and dusty. But it’s July ...

Eve Valera

Dr. Valera is an Associate Professor in Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and a Research Scientist at Massachusetts General Hospital. She has worked in the field of domestic violence for nearly 25 years using a range of methodologies to understand the neural, neuropsychological and psychologic...