Ilknur Ay

Dr. Ay is an Assistant Professor at the Martinos Center for BiomedicalĀ Imaging at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School. She hasĀ a broad background in vascular pharmacology with fellowship training inĀ neuroscience at the Massachusetts General Hospital. Dr. Ayā€™s main researc...

Dara Manoach

Dr. Manoach is a clinically licensed neuropsychologist and an experimental psychologist by training. She has dedicated her career to understanding the neural basis and nature of fundamental cognitive deficits in neuropsychiatric disorders, particularly schizophrenia and autism. Although sleep pla...

Jerome Ackerman

Jerome Ackerman, PhD, has conducted research in magnetic resonance for over 45 years, and has led the solid-state MR program at MGH for over 30 years. As of May, 2019, his work (over 100 peer-reviewed journal articles, reviews, chaptersĀ and patents; over 200 abstracts) has been cited 5048 times (...

Albert Kim

I am an oncologist with interests in using machine learning and Omics to develop precision-based treatment paradigms and study therapuetic resistance. My laboratory efforts leverage Omics-based techniques, medical imaging (e.g., radiology, pathology), and machine learning to define and target ge...

John Kirsch

John Kirsch, PhD, is a radiological physicist by training andĀ education, whose interest and experience have been in MRI technology for theĀ majority of his career. He contributed significantly to the early pioneeringĀ development of clinical applications for MRI as well as to the design andĀ improve...

Peter Caravan Promoted to Full Professor

The Center's Peter Caravan has been named Professor of Radiology at Harvard Medical School. Caravan is Director of a multidisciplinary and translationalĀ molecular imaging group at the Center (the Caravan Lab) and co-director of theĀ Institute for Innovation in Imaging (I3)Ā at Massachusetts Gene...

Jyrki Ahveninen

Dr. Ahveninen's mission is to apply novel and improved techniques to achieve more accurateĀ estimates of human brain function than previously achieved. His work focusesĀ on neuroimaging of human auditory system, auditory working memory andĀ higher-order auditory cognition using techniques including ...

Magnetoencephalography & Electroencephalography

The MEG/EEG facility is equipped with a dc-SQUID Neuromag Vectorview MEG system that allows noninvasive spatiotemporal mapping of human brain activity. The Neuromag system has 306 MEG channels (2 planar gradiometers and a magnetometer at each of 102 sites in a helmet-shaped array) and 128 EEG cha...

ISMRM Welcomes New President Larry Wald

The International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) concluded its Annual Meeting in Montreal, Canada, with the passing of the presidential gavel on Wednesday, 15 May 2019, to Larry Wald, director of the Magnetic Resonance - Physics & Instrumentation Group at the MGH Martinos ...

Annual Fund

Thank you for your interest in the Annual Fund. Each year we rely on the generosity of friends of the Center to generously contribute to the Annual Fund. Gifts to the Annual Fund help provide funding to the best and brightest researchers to explore novel areas of research. Your financial support ...

AMA @ Martinos: Jon Polimeni

On Thursday, June 23, the Martinos Center's Jon Polimeni will deliver a keynote lecture at the 2022 meeting of the Organization of Human Brain Mapping (OHBM) in Glasgow, Scotland. In advance of the lecture, Jon is an all-around fascinating guy, so we were thrilled when he agreed to submit to an "...

The Centerā€™s Regan Butterfield on Her New Role with SNMMI

Last year, the Martinos Centerā€™s Regan Butterfield was asked to serve as the Education co-chair for the Clinical Trials Network (CTN) for the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (SNMMI). In a recent conversation, Butterfield, a research nuclear medicine technologist in the Center, t...

Anand Kumar

Dr. Kumar's research is focused on development and translation of novel biomedicalĀ optical techniques for preclinical and clinical applications. He has more than 15Ā years of experience in theory, modeling and experimental aspects ofĀ biological optical imaging. Over the past decade, his group has ...

Bin Deng

Bin Deng, PhD, is a biomedical scientist whoseĀ research interests revolve around near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy, functional optical imaging, the interactions between NIR light and tissue,Ā noninvasive optical biomarkers and the pathophysiology of diseases. Dr. DengĀ investigates the intersection ...