Shasha Li

Shasha Li, M.D., Ph.D., joined the faculty at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) and Harvard Medical School (HMS) with the goal of improving the understanding of the physiological implications of altered neural networks in neurological diseases. She has made substantial contributions to the fie...

Dania Daye

Dania Daye, MD, PhD is an Assistant Professor of Radiology at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) and Harvard Medical School. She is the co-director of IR Research at MGH and Director of the Precision Interventional and Medical Imaging (PIMI) Research Group. Her research centers around the appli...

Seppo Ahlfors

Dr. Ahlfor's research focuses on non-invasive neuroimaging --- in particular, the analysis and interpretation of magnetoencephalography (MEG) signals. He has developed methodologies for multimodal integration of MEG, electroencephalography (EEG) and structural and functional magnetic resonance im...

Mainak Jas

Dr. Jas completed his PhD from Telecom ParisTech. His thesis focused on automating MEG/EEG analysis pipelines. He is a proponent of open and reproducible science. He has been a key contributor to several open source neuroimaging tools: most notably MNE-Python, MNE-BIDS, and HNN-core. He develope...

Nouchine Hadjikhani

Nouchine Hadjikhani, MD, PhD, is an Associate Professor of Radiology at Harvard Medical School, where she directs the Neurolimbic Research Laboratory. She is also an Assistant in Neurosciences at the Massachusetts General Hospital and a visiting professor at GNC, Gothenburg University, Sweden. Sh...

Suk-tak (Phoebe) Chan

Dr. Chan joined the Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging at MGH in 2010 as an instructor.  Her current research focuses on imaging of cerebrovascular responses using ultrasound and MRI. She uses natural breathing/gaseous challenge to measure cerebrovascular responses in healthy sub...

Noam Peled

I have a broad background in neuroimaging, with specific training and expertise in analyzing and visualization of multi-modality neuroimaging datasets. I received my Ph.D. degree in machine learning and games theory from Bar-Ilan University in 2014, and in 2015 I started my position as a research...

Robert Frost

Dr. Robert Frost's research focuses on improving the quality and efficiency of brain MRI through modification of the acquisition and image reconstruction. He has developed methods to accelerate the acquisition of high-resolution diffusion MRI and has used real-time feedback techniques that adapt ...

Jonathan Polimeni

Jon Polimeni, PhD, is an Assistant Professor of Radiology at Harvard Medical School. His PhD thesis was on the measurement and modeling of visuotopic maps in macaque and human visual cortex. His postdoctoral training was under the supervision of Professor Lawrence L. Wald at the Athinoula A. Mart...

Heidi Jacobs

The Jacobs Lab aims to detect the earliest brain changes that contribute to cognitive decline and behavioral changes associated with the earliest stages of Alzheimer's disease. Our focus is on neuroimaging method development, biomarker evaluation and testing new preventive interventions targeting...

Jyrki Ahveninen

Dr. Ahveninen's mission is to apply novel and improved techniques to achieve more accurate estimates of human brain function than previously achieved. His work focuses on neuroimaging of human auditory system, auditory working memory and higher-order auditory cognition using techniques including ...

Lilianne Mujica-Parodi

Lilianne R. Mujica-Parodi is Director of the Laboratory for Computational Neurodiagnostics (LCNeuro). LCNeuro's research focuses on the application of control systems engineering and dynamical systems to imaging-derived time series, at all scales: from human fMRI, M/EEG, fNIRS to rodent LFP and c...

Yuanyuan Jiang

Dr. Jiang’s research focuses on multi-modal fMRI brain imaging technology in rodent models. He is developing a novel multichannel fiber-optic mediated extracellular glutamate and intracellular calcium recording with high-filed MRI to study different brain states. Dr. Jiang’s work also includes de...

Roberta Sclocco

Dr. Sclocco has a background in bioengineering and signal processing, with specific training in non-invasive neuroimaging (e.g., fMRI, EEG) and peripheral autonomic data analyses. Since the beginning of her career, she have been interested in the interactions between the central and peripheral au...

Adrian Dalca

Adrian V. Dalca is an Assistant Professor at A.A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, MGH, Harvard Medical School, and Research Scientist at CSAIL, MIT. He obtained his PhD from CSAIL, MIT. His research focuses on developing new machine learning techniques and probabilistic models to analyze ...

Lisa Feldman Barrett

Lisa Feldman Barrett, PhD, is University Distinguished Professor of Psychology and Director of the Interdisciplinary Affective Science Laboratory (IASLab) at Northeastern University. She also holds research appointments in the Psychiatric Neuroimaging Program in the Department of Psychiatry and a...

Marco Loggia

In 2008, Marco Loggia was awarded a PhD In Neurological Sciences by McGill University in Montreal, QC (Canada). During his graduate studies, he had the opportunity to work at the Alan Edwards Centre for Research on Pain (formerly McGill Centre for Research on Pain) under the mentorship of its fir...

Vitaly Napadow

Vitaly Napadow is a Professor at Harvard Medical School and the Director of the Scott Schoen and Nancy Adams Discovery Center for Recovery from Chronic Pain at Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital and the Director of the Center for Integrative Pain NeuroImaging (CiPNI)) at the Martinos Center for Bi...

Jessie Fang-Lu Fu

Dr. Jessie Fang-Lu Fu's research focuses on the translational application of multimodal neuroimaging, Positron Emission Tomography (PET) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), and machine learning in neurodegenerative disorders. Her main research interests include (i) evaluating the capability of ...

Matthew Sacchet

Dr. Matthew D. Sacchet, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor and the Director of the Meditation Research Program at Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital (Mass General). Dr. Sacchet and his team study advanced meditation: states and stages of contemplative practice that unfold wit...