Risk, Resiliency in Aging Brain Focus of $33 Million Grant

A large study that investigates just what keeps our brains sharp as we age and what contributes to cognitive decline has been launched by Martinos Center researchers in collaboration with colleagues from Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, the University of Minnesota Medical Sc...

Robert Savoy

Dr. Savoy received his academic training in applied mathematics at MIT (BS 1971; MS 1975) and experimental psychology at Harvard University (PhD 1980). This period included 10 years of work at Polaroid Corporation’s Vision Research Laboratory, after which he joined the newly formed Rowland Instit...

Nanodiamond-enhanced MRI: A Dazzling New Approach to Imaging

Nanodiamonds – synthetic industrial diamonds only a few nanometers in size – have recently attracted considerable attention because of the potential they offer for the targeted delivery of vaccines and cancer drugs as well as for other uses. Thus far, options for imaging nanodiamonds have been li...

Meher Juttukonda

Dr. Juttukonda’s research interests are in studying the balance between hemodynamic and metabolic function in the human brain as well as in the translation of these methods for characterizing microvascular health in cerebrovascular diseases. A principal objective of his work has been to develop q...

It’s Never Too Early to Learn About MRI

Here in the Martinos Center, our education mission extends all the way to teaching children enrolled in the preschool down the street in the Charlestown Navy Yard. Once a year, the Center’s Allison Stevens welcomes a group of the children, explains to them what MRI is and what it does, and str...

Annual Fund

Thank you for your interest in the Annual Fund. Each year we rely on the generosity of friends of the Center to generously contribute to the Annual Fund. Gifts to the Annual Fund help provide funding to the best and brightest researchers to explore novel areas of research. Your financial support ...

Moving Beyond Biopsy for Liver Fibrosis

Chronic liver disease is a growing health concern in the U.S. and around the world, with links to alcoholism, diabetes and even obesity. One of the early manifestations of the disease is fibrosis, an excessive buildup of scar tissue that results from repeated injury to the liver. While its effect...

Uncovering ‘Covert Consciousness’ in Brain Injury Patients

In a paper published in the journal Brain last month Brian Edlow and colleagues reported a study in which they used the imaging techniques functional MRI and EEG to detect ‘covert consciousness’ in the intensive care unit. We checked in with Edlow, associate director of the Center for Neurotechno...

Treating Aneurysm with MR Coagulation

A team of investigators in the MGH Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, in collaboration with medical device company Robin Medical, has developed a new method that could help to address cerebral aneurysm while adding therapeutic capabilities to magnetic resonance imaging. Cerebral aneurysm,...

The Neuroscience of Personal Space

We all have a need for personal space, the comfort zone we maintain around our bodies, implicitly entreating others not to encroach upon it. In recent years researchers have been probing the ways in which we regulate this space, looking at how and why our brains tell us when someone is simply ...

Hakan Ay

Dr. Hakan Ay is an MD with residency training in Neurology and fellowship training in Vascular Neurology. He currently serves as an Associate Professor at Harvard Medical School with appointments in both departments of Neurology and Radiology at the Massachusetts General Hospital. Dr. Ay has 28 y...