Seppo Ahlfors

Dr. Ahlfor's research focuses on non-invasive neuroimaging --- in particular, the analysis and interpretation of magnetoencephalography (MEG) signals. He has developed methodologies for multimodal integration of MEG, electroencephalography (EEG) and structural and functional magnetic resonance im...

Kestas Kveraga

Dr. Kveraga is a cognitive neuroscientist who studies the neural mechanisms of threat perception from naturalistic stimuli, with strong interests in visual pathway function and autism. He is also interested in neural aesthetics and how brain activity can be employed to predict and shape architect...

Hsiao-Ying (Monica) Wey

Dr. Hsiao-Ying (Monica) Wey is currently an Assistant Professor of Radiology at Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital. She received her PhD in Medical Physics from the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio in 2011 and completed her postdoctoral training at t...

Bruce Fischl

Bruce Fischl, PhD, is a Professor of Radiology at Harvard Medical School and Director of the Laboratory for Computational Neuroimaging at the Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging. A leader in the field of image processing and analysis, he has spearheaded the development of a range of innovative...

Xin Yu

Xin Yu studied Neuroscience and Biophysics at New York University, USA. During his Ph.D. training in Dan Turnbull’s lab, he implemented Manganese-enhanced MRI to study the auditory midbrain plasticity and mid-hindbrain development. Meanwhile, he was trained by Dan Sanes to target the inferior col...

Thomas Yeo

Thomas Yeo is an Assistant Professor at the National University of Singapore (NUS). Thomas received his B.S. and M.S. from Stanford University and Ph.D. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Prior to NUS, Thomas was a research fellow at Harvard University and Duke-NUS Medical School. Th...

Hui Wang

Dr. Hui Wang's research interests include developing innovative optical techniques and combining with MRI to study the structural-functional relationship of the brain. Particularly, a key question to answer is how the brain is connected to form the substrates of complex functions and what goes wr...

Maria Mody

Maria Mody, PhD, is a cognitive neuroscientist specializing in neuroimaging of communication abilities in children and adults, with a focus on autism and dyslexia.The goal of her research is to identify core behaviors in developmental disorders of speech and language and the underlying neural mec...

Bruce Rosen

Bruce Rosen, MD, PhD, is Director of the Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging at Massachusetts General Hospital and the Laurence Lamson Robbins Professor of Radiology at Harvard Medical School. He received his MD degree from Hahnemann Medical College in Philadelphia in 1982 and his...

Jingyuan Chen

Dr. Chen's research lies at the interface of neuroimaging technology, signal processing and neuroscience. She is interested in integrating state-of-the-art fMRI and multi-modal imaging techniques to achieve novel, comprehensive insights into our brain's function and physiology. One line of her cu...

Lilianne Mujica-Parodi

Lilianne R. Mujica-Parodi is Director of the Laboratory for Computational Neurodiagnostics (LCNeuro). LCNeuro's research focuses on the application of control systems engineering and dynamical systems to imaging-derived time series, at all scales: from human fMRI, M/EEG, fNIRS to rodent LFP and c...

Shasha Li

Shasha Li, M.D., Ph.D., joined the faculty at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) and Harvard Medical School (HMS) with the goal of improving the understanding of the physiological implications of altered neural networks in neurological diseases. She has made substantial contributions to the fie...

Sara Lazar

Sara W. Lazar, PhD, is an Associate Researcher in the Psychiatry Department at Massachusetts General Hospital and an Assistant Professor in Psychology at Harvard Medical School. The focus of her research is to elucidate the neural mechanisms underlying the beneficial effects of yoga and meditatio...

Sheraz Khan

Dr. Sheraz Khan is an Instructor (Research Faculty) at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). He has developed novel signal processing methods for understanding neural underpinnings of autism. His publications, including Khan ...

Randy Buckner

Randy Buckner, PhD, is the Sosland Family Professor of Psychology and of Neuroscience at Harvard University affiliated with the Center for Brain Science and Director of the Psychiatric Neuroimaging Research Division at the Massachusetts General Hospital. He has been faculty of the Athinoula A. Ma...

Dara Manoach

Dr. Manoach is a clinically licensed neuropsychologist and an experimental psychologist by training. She has dedicated her career to understanding the neural basis and nature of fundamental cognitive deficits in neuropsychiatric disorders, particularly schizophrenia and autism. Although sleep pla...

Hakan Ay

Dr. Hakan Ay is an MD with residency training in Neurology and fellowship training in Vascular Neurology. He currently serves as an Associate Professor at Harvard Medical School with appointments in both departments of Neurology and Radiology at the Massachusetts General Hospital. Dr. Ay has 28 y...

Eve Valera

Dr. Valera is an Associate Professor in Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and a Research Scientist at Massachusetts General Hospital. She has worked in the field of domestic violence for nearly 25 years using a range of methodologies to understand the neural, neuropsychological and psychologic...

David Salat

The overarching aim of Dr. Salat's work is to understand mechanisms of neural disease and to implement novel approaches to reduce the impact of disease on the brain, cognition and clinical status. Clinically, there are two main clinical foci to his research. At the MGH Martinos Center, he directs...

Shahin Nasr

For the past 15 years, Shahin Nasr, PhD, has studied the visual system of humans and non-human primates using a variety of techniques, from psychophysics and event-related potentials (ERP) to conventional and high-resolution functional MRI, in order to understand the neural mechanisms underlying ...