Optical Imaging

The Martinos Optics Research facilities consists of multiple separate lab facilities including 1) fiber optic and electronics fabrication and testing, 2) instrumentation system development and testing, 3) small animal studies, 4) optical physics labs with floating tables, and 5) human subject tes...

Computational Services

Computing Facilities  The Center’s IT infrastructure consists of over 400 CentOS Linux workstations and 150 Windows and Macintosh desktops in offices and labs owned by individual research groups. There is a server farm with over 50 Linux servers that handles central storage, email, web, print, s...

Imaging Services

The backbone of the Martinos Center is the Martinos Technology Core, comprising Imaging and Computational Core resources. The Imaging Cores include the MRI, MEG and Optical Imaging Cores, with an extensive and expanding inventory of state-of-the-art imaging facilities and equipment, including rel...

Creativity and Diversity in the Martinos Center

Martinos Center executive director David Vaughn recently sat down to talk about his work in the Center, and about what makes the Martinos so special. Hear what he had to say about creativity and diversity in the Center in the video below. In our humble opinion, he couldn't be more right! ...

AMA @ Martinos: Anastasia Yendiki

The 2022 meeting of the Organization of Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), to be held June 19-22 in Glasgow, Scotland, will feature keynote lectures by no fewer than two Martinos Center researchers: Anastasia Yendiki and Jon Polimeni. In anticipation of the meeting, we approached Anastasia about putting...

Christopher Nguyen

The Nguyen lab focuses on the development and clinical application of novel imaging techniques to characterize the cardiovascular system including MRI, optical, and PET. Our primary research interests fall into four general areas: (1) bio- inspired design for heart assisted devices (Science Robot...


The BrainMap seminar series is offered by and for researchers using neuroimaging to study brain structure and function. Presented by invited speakers from around the world, as well as by investigators who call the Martinos Center home, the talks cover the gamut of topics - with a particular focus...

Social Media

Videos As part of our mission, we are working to disseminate our research to as wide an audience as possible. To this end, we present our social media channels here. The sidebar to the right includes links to the channels as well a Twitter feed and a Newsletter subscription form. Also, we hav...

Matthew Sacchet

Dr. Matthew D. Sacchet, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor and the Director of the Meditation Research Program at Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital (Mass General). Dr. Sacchet and his team study advanced meditation: states and stages of contemplative practice that unfold wit...

Why & How

The Why & How seminar series is designed to introduce research assistants, graduate students, and postdoctoral and clinical fellows - really, anyone who is interested - to the many tools used in the Center. These include software tools and most of the major imaging modalities wielded by Marti...

Nutrition and Brain Growth in the Developing World

The aging pickup truck bounces along a dirt road somewhere outside Bissora, one of the larger towns in the Oio region of the West African nation of Guinea-Bissau. The road, a major thoroughfare in the region, is pocked with holes. The rest of the year these would be deep and dusty. But it’s July ...

5 Things You Didn’t Know About David Cohen and MEG

Last week the MGH Martinos Center dedicated its advanced magnetoencephalography (MEG) facility as the David Cohen MEG Laboratory. Cohen—the inventor of MEG, a leader in the field of biomagnetism for more than 50 years, and a Martinos Center faculty member who was instrumental in building and deve...

The Past, Present and Future of Molecular Imaging @ Martinos

Over the past several months, the MGH Martinos Center has been both celebrating the past and looking toward the future of its molecular imaging effort – with a symposium held last fall and now a series of initiatives designed to bolster the molecular imaging community. While there has always b...

20 Years of FreeSurfer

It’s a sunny day in Southern California and the developers of FreeSurfer—a suite of software tools for the analysis of neuroimaging data—are preparing for a training session to introduce scientists to the many benefits of the package. To help the scientists find the classroom they have hung “Free...