Andre van der Kouwe

Dr. van der Kouwe does research in the field of MRI pulse sequence design and image analysis. He supports neuroscience research at the MGH and collaborating institutions by improving acquisition methods, providing techniques such as high-reliability imaging for quantitative brain morphometry with...

Lilla Zollei

Dr. Lilla Zollei's research focuses on the design and development of quantitative analysis tools for neuroscientific problems. She builds and tests computational tools that can be used for both individual and group studies and investigate, through the combination of image information from multipl...

Randy Gollub

Randy Gollub, MD, PhD, is Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and Clinical Professor of Psychiatry with a secondary appointment in Radiology at Massachusetts General Hospital, where she serves as the Associate Director of Translational Research in the Neuroimaging Research Program. ...

Matthew Rosen

Dr. Matt Rosen is a physicist, tool-builder and inventor whose research bridges the spectrum from fundamental physics to applied bioimaging work in the field of MRI. He established the Low-Field MRI and Hyperpolarized Media Laboratory at the Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging to ...

Douglas Greve

Douglas Greve, PhD, has a passion for delivering cutting-edge tools to the neuroscience community. He joined the FreeSurfer team 20 years ago and has been developing neuroimaging software ever since. His career has offered him an exciting mixture of engineering, physics, software development and ...

Lawrence Wald

Lawrence L. Wald, PhD, is currently a Professor of Radiology at Harvard Medical School and Affiliated Faculty of the Harvard-MIT Division Health Sciences Technology. He received a BA in Physics at Rice University, and a PhD in Physics from the University of California at Berkeley in 1992 under th...

Anand Kumar

Dr. Kumar's research is focused on development and translation of novel biomedical optical techniques for preclinical and clinical applications. He has more than 15 years of experience in theory, modeling and experimental aspects of biological optical imaging. Over the past decade, his group has ...

Joseph Mandeville

Dr. Mandeville focuses on understanding relationships between imaging signals and physiology and using this information to improve information content derived from noninvasive neuroimaging. Research leverages all aspects of multimodal imaging to understand functional imaging methods and the brain...