Lilianne Mujica-Parodi

Lilianne R. Mujica-Parodi is Director of the Laboratory for Computational Neurodiagnostics (LCNeuro). LCNeuro's research focuses on the application of control systems engineering and dynamical systems to imaging-derived time series, at all scales: from human fMRI, M/EEG, fNIRS to rodent LFP and c...

Jean Augustinack

The main goal of Dr. Augustinack's research is to validate neuroimaging, such as MRI, with ground truth histologic analyses and to advance neuroanatomical and pathological biomarkers for in vivo imaging. Her laboratory bridges the domains of ground truth histologic staining and MRI tissue propert...

Bragi Sveinsson

Dr. Bragi Sveinsson is an Assistant Professor in Radiology at Harvard Medical School. He earned his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University, where his focus area was Magnetic Resonance Imaging, or MRI. In his research, Dr. Sveinsson is mainly interested in imaging methods for ...

Mainak Jas

Dr. Jas completed his PhD from Telecom ParisTech. His thesis focused on automating MEG/EEG analysis pipelines. He is a proponent of open and reproducible science. He has been a key contributor to several open source neuroimaging tools: most notably MNE-Python, MNE-BIDS, and HNN-core. He develope...

Jayashree Kalpathy-Cramer

Dr. Kalpathy-Cramer is an Associate Professor of Radiology at Harvard Medical School, Co-Director of the QTIM lab and the Center for Machine Learning at the Athinoula A. Martinos Center and Scientific Director at the MGH & BWH Center for Clinical Data Science. Her research areas include machi...

Jonathan Polimeni

Jon Polimeni, PhD, is an Assistant Professor of Radiology at Harvard Medical School. His PhD thesis was on the measurement and modeling of visuotopic maps in macaque and human visual cortex. His postdoctoral training was under the supervision of Professor Lawrence L. Wald at the Athinoula A. Mart...

Maria Angela Franceschini

Maria Angela Franceschini, PhD, is widely recognized as a leader in the field of diffuse optical imaging in both neuroscience and clinical neuro-monitoring applications. Her research interests lie mainly in the development of novel optical imaging methods to achieve a deeper understanding of the ...

Jerome Ackerman

Jerome Ackerman, PhD, has conducted research in magnetic resonance for over 45 years, and has led the solid-state MR program at MGH for over 30 years. As of May, 2019, his work (over 100 peer-reviewed journal articles, reviews, chapters and patents; over 200 abstracts) has been cited 5048 times (...

Eva-Maria Ratai

Dr. Eva-Maria Ratai has been Director of Clinical Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) since 2003. After completing her doctoral thesis in physical chemistry at the University of Münster in Germany in 2000, and her first post-doctoral position in the Department ...

David Salat

The overarching aim of Dr. Salat's work is to understand mechanisms of neural disease and to implement novel approaches to reduce the impact of disease on the brain, cognition and clinical status. Clinically, there are two main clinical foci to his research. At the MGH Martinos Center, he directs...

Ilknur Ay

Dr. Ay is an Assistant Professor at the Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School. She has a broad background in vascular pharmacology with fellowship training in neuroscience at the Massachusetts General Hospital. Dr. Ay’s main researc...

Christian Farrar

The Farrar group's research program is focused on the development of novel Magnetic Resonance molecular imaging contrast agents and methods and on the development of innovative Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) methods for characterizing vascular structure and function. The tools being developed i...

Randy Gollub

Randy Gollub, MD, PhD, is Professor of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and Clinical Professor of Psychiatry with a secondary appointment in Radiology at Massachusetts General Hospital, where she serves as the Associate Director of Translational Research in the Neuroimaging Research Program. ...

Meher Juttukonda

Dr. Juttukonda’s research interests are in studying the balance between hemodynamic and metabolic function in the human brain as well as in the translation of these methods for characterizing microvascular health in cerebrovascular diseases. A principal objective of his work has been to develop q...

Randy Buckner

Randy Buckner, PhD, is the Sosland Family Professor of Psychology and of Neuroscience at Harvard University affiliated with the Center for Brain Science and Director of the Psychiatric Neuroimaging Research Division at the Massachusetts General Hospital. He has been faculty of the Athinoula A. Ma...

Yi-Fen Yen

Over the past two decades, Dr. Yen has devoted herself to the development of advanced MRI techniques, for hyperpolarized metabolic imaging, cancer imaging and functional imaging in clinical and pre-clinical research. She is an MR physicist with >100 publications in peer-reviewed scientific jou...