Maria Mody

Maria Mody, PhD, is a cognitive neuroscientist specializing in neuroimaging of communication abilities in children and adults, with a focus on autism and dyslexia.The goal of her research is to identify core behaviors in developmental disorders of speech and language and the underlying neural mec...

Bruce Rosen

Bruce Rosen, MD, PhD, is Director of the Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging at Massachusetts General Hospital and the Laurence Lamson Robbins Professor of Radiology at Harvard Medical School. He received his MD degree from Hahnemann Medical College in Philadelphia in 1982 and his...

Bruce Fischl

Bruce Fischl, PhD, is a Professor of Radiology at Harvard Medical School and Director of the Laboratory for Computational Neuroimaging at the Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging. A leader in the field of image processing and analysis, he has spearheaded the development of a range of innovative...

Daphne Holt

Dr. Holt has studied the neural basis of psychosis throughout her career, initially in post-mortem samples and subsequently (since 2002) using neuroimaging. Using functional neuroimaging in combination with physiology, behavioral tasks and clinical assessments, she has investigated the neurocogni...

Caroline Magnain

Dr. Magnain is an assistant professor in Radiology at Harvard Medical School and assistant in physics at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston. Throughout her career, she has strived to apply optical imaging to various domains, from cultural heritage to the biomedical science, and has develope...

Eve Valera

Dr. Valera is an Associate Professor in Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and a Research Scientist at Massachusetts General Hospital. She has worked in the field of domestic violence for nearly 25 years using a range of methodologies to understand the neural, neuropsychological and psychologic...

Mainak Jas

Dr. Jas completed his PhD from Telecom ParisTech. His thesis focused on automating MEG/EEG analysis pipelines. He is a proponent of open and reproducible science. He has been a key contributor to several open source neuroimaging tools: most notably MNE-Python, MNE-BIDS, and HNN-core. He develope...

Yuanyuan Jiang

Dr. Jiang’s research focuses on multi-modal fMRI brain imaging technology in rodent models. He is developing a novel multichannel fiber-optic mediated extracellular glutamate and intracellular calcium recording with high-filed MRI to study different brain states. Dr. Jiang’s work also includes de...

Matthew Sacchet

Dr. Matthew D. Sacchet, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor and the Director of the Meditation Research Program at Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital (Mass General). Dr. Sacchet and his team study advanced meditation: states and stages of contemplative practice that unfold wit...

Joseph Mandeville

Dr. Mandeville focuses on understanding relationships between imaging signals and physiology and using this information to improve information content derived from noninvasive neuroimaging. Research leverages all aspects of multimodal imaging to understand functional imaging methods and the brain...

Tommi Raij

Dr. Raij is a researcher currently serving as the Director of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) Clinical Research at the Martinos Center. He aims to understand the human brain mechanisms and improve the treatment of psychiatric and neurological disease, such as depression, schizophrenia, co...

Adrian Dalca

Adrian V. Dalca is an Assistant Professor at A.A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, MGH, Harvard Medical School, and Research Scientist at CSAIL, MIT. He obtained his PhD from CSAIL, MIT. His research focuses on developing new machine learning techniques and probabilistic models to analyze ...

Jingyuan Chen

Dr. Chen's research lies at the interface of neuroimaging technology, signal processing and neuroscience. She is interested in integrating state-of-the-art fMRI and multi-modal imaging techniques to achieve novel, comprehensive insights into our brain's function and physiology. One line of her cu...

Xin Yu

Xin Yu studied Neuroscience and Biophysics at New York University, USA. During his Ph.D. training in Dan Turnbull’s lab, he implemented Manganese-enhanced MRI to study the auditory midbrain plasticity and mid-hindbrain development. Meanwhile, he was trained by Dan Sanes to target the inferior col...

Andre van der Kouwe

Dr. van der Kouwe does research in the field of MRI pulse sequence design and image analysis. He supports neuroscience research at the MGH and collaborating institutions by improving acquisition methods, providing techniques such as high-reliability imaging for quantitative brain morphometry with...

Kestas Kveraga

Dr. Kveraga is a cognitive neuroscientist who studies the neural mechanisms of threat perception from naturalistic stimuli, with strong interests in visual pathway function and autism. He is also interested in neural aesthetics and how brain activity can be employed to predict and shape architect...

Marta Bianciardi

Marta Bianciardi, PhD, joined the faculty at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) and Harvard Medical School (HMS) with the goal of developing an in vivo neuroimaging-based atlas and connectome of brainstem nuclei by 7 Tesla MRI, to enhance our knowledge and the quality of patient care in disorde...

Kenneth Kwong

Kenneth Kwong, PhD, has been conducting magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) research for more than 30 years with expertise in diffusion (R.1), functional imaging (R.2) and perfusion imaging (R.3). He was one of the earliest researchers to explore MR diffusion imaging of healthy subjects and patients...

Lilla Zollei

Dr. Lilla Zollei's research focuses on the design and development of quantitative analysis tools for neuroscientific problems. She builds and tests computational tools that can be used for both individual and group studies and investigate, through the combination of image information from multipl...

Dara Manoach

Dr. Manoach is a clinically licensed neuropsychologist and an experimental psychologist by training. She has dedicated her career to understanding the neural basis and nature of fundamental cognitive deficits in neuropsychiatric disorders, particularly schizophrenia and autism. Although sleep pla...