
The BrainMap seminar series is offered by and for researchers using neuroimaging to study brain structure and function. Presented by invited speakers from around the world, as well as by investigators who call the Martinos Center home, the talks cover the gamut of topics - with a particular focus...

Fuyixue Wang

Dr. Wang is an Assistant Professor of Radiology at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) and Harvard Medical School (HMS). She obtained her PhD degree from MIT in the Harvard-MIT Health Sciences and Technology department, receiving interdisciplinary training in electrical engineering, medical phys...

Christopher Nguyen

The Nguyen lab focuses on the development and clinical application of novel imaging techniques to characterize the cardiovascular system including MRI, optical, and PET. Our primary research interests fall into four general areas: (1) bio- inspired design for heart assisted devices (Science Robot...

Creativity and Diversity in the Martinos Center

Martinos Center executive director David Vaughn recently sat down to talk about his work in the Center, and about what makes the Martinos so special. Hear what he had to say about creativity and diversity in the Center in the video below. In our humble opinion, he couldn't be more right! ...

Why & How

The Why & How seminar series is designed to introduce research assistants, graduate students, and postdoctoral and clinical fellows - really, anyone who is interested - to the many tools used in the Center. These include software tools and most of the major imaging modalities wielded by Marti...

AMA @ Martinos: Anastasia Yendiki

The 2022 meeting of the Organization of Human Brain Mapping (OHBM), to be held June 19-22 in Glasgow, Scotland, will feature keynote lectures by no fewer than two Martinos Center researchers: Anastasia Yendiki and Jon Polimeni. In anticipation of the meeting, we approached Anastasia about putting...

Shasha Li

Shasha Li, M.D., Ph.D., joined the faculty at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) and Harvard Medical School (HMS) with the goal of improving the understanding of the physiological implications of altered neural networks in neurological diseases. She has made substantial contributions to the fie...

Julie Price

One of the Center's newest senior faculty members, Julie Price, PhD, brings to the Martinos community a wealth of experience with quantitative positron emission tomography (PET). With this technique, researchers study the dynamics of the PET radiotracer in vivo in order to obtain absolute measure...

Bruce Fischl

Bruce Fischl, PhD, is a Professor of Radiology at Harvard Medical School and Director of the Laboratory for Computational Neuroimaging at the Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging. A leader in the field of image processing and analysis, he has spearheaded the development of a range of innovative...

Douglas Greve

Douglas Greve, PhD, has a passion for delivering cutting-edge tools to the neuroscience community. He joined the FreeSurfer team 20 years ago and has been developing neuroimaging software ever since. His career has offered him an exciting mixture of engineering, physics, software development and ...

Anand Kumar

Dr. Kumar's research is focused on development and translation of novel biomedical optical techniques for preclinical and clinical applications. He has more than 15 years of experience in theory, modeling and experimental aspects of biological optical imaging. Over the past decade, his group has ...

Xiaoqing Alice Zhou

Dr. Zhou has over 10 years of experience in neuroscience and neuroimaging, utilizing advanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and innovative neuro-techniques for translational studies in both animal and human brains. Early in her career, she investigated the degenerative brain functions related ...

Changning Wang

Changning Wang, PhD, has a unique and broad background in molecular imaging, medicinal chemistry, pharmaceutical sciences and neuroscience. After finishing his doctoral studies, he joined Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging as a research fellow and later as a trainee in the Harvard/MGH Nuclear...

Lilla Zollei

Dr. Lilla Zollei's research focuses on the design and development of quantitative analysis tools for neuroscientific problems. She builds and tests computational tools that can be used for both individual and group studies and investigate, through the combination of image information from multipl...

Optical Imaging

The Martinos Optics Research facilities consists of multiple separate lab facilities including 1) fiber optic and electronics fabrication and testing, 2) instrumentation system development and testing, 3) small animal studies, 4) optical physics labs with floating tables, and 5) human subject tes...

Joseph Mandeville

Dr. Mandeville focuses on understanding relationships between imaging signals and physiology and using this information to improve information content derived from noninvasive neuroimaging. Research leverages all aspects of multimodal imaging to understand functional imaging methods and the brain...