MGH Celebrates Martinos Members’ Years of Service

Martinos Admin

The first use of ether in surgery occurred at MGH back in 1846. Since 1945, the hospital has used the anniversary of this event as an occasion to recognize its employees for their years of service here. Every October, the hospital departments hand out pins & ribbons to employees who have met a service milestone (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, etc. years of service at MGH). On October 15th, the Radiology Department hosted a breakfast and distributed pins to some of our very own Martinos Center members. We thank them for their years of service, without which, we wouldn’t be who we are!

5 years of service

Emma Boyd
Stephen Cauley
Clarissa Cooley
Morteza Esmaeili
Elena Herranz Muelas
Jeungchan Lee
Julie Price
Christin Sander
Roberta Sclocco
Viviana Siless
Hui Wang
Yuwen (Iris) Zhou

10 years of service

Grae Arabasz
Jacob Hooker
Nao Matsuda
Choukri Mekkaoui
Shahin Nasr
Matt Rosen
Zhaoda Zhang

15 years of service

Sam Mehl

20 years of service

Jean Augustinack
André van der Kouwe

35 years of service

Jerry Ackerman

40 years of service

Mary O’Hara