Dr. Zhou has over 10 years of experience in neuroscience and neuroimaging, utilizing advanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and innovative neuro-techniques for translational studies in both animal and human brains. Early in her career, she investigated the degenerative brain functions related to cognitive impairment in Alzheimer’s disease and type 2 diabetes patients using high-field MRI. During her Ph.D. training under Prof. Perry Bartlett at the Queensland Brain Institute, Dr. Zhou focused on understanding the regulatory mechanisms behind the cognitive benefits of exercise in combating dementia and aging. Currently, at the Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, she is further developing novel MRI methodologies to study the mechanistic regulation of brain function in aging and neurodegeneration, collaborating with Dr. Xin Yu to optimize multimodal fMRI platforms, particularly focusing on single-vessel fMRI and astrocytic Ca2+ signaling in models of aging and degenerative diseases.


PhD, University of Queensland

Select Publications

• Zhou XA, Zhang j, Chen Y, Ma T, Wang Y, Wang J, Zhang Z (2014). Aggravated cognitive and brain functional impairment in mild cognitive impairment patients with type 2 diabetes: a resting-state functional MRI study. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease 41 (3), 925-935. PMID: 24705547
• Zhou XA, Blackmore DG, Zhuo J, Nasrallah FA, To XV, Kurniawan ND, Carlisle A, Vien KY, Chuang KH, Jiang T, Bartlett PF (2021). iScience, 103450. PMCID: PMC8633984
• Zhou XA, Jiang Y, Man W & Yu X (2023). Multimodal methods to help interpret resting-state fMRI. Advances in Resting-state Functional MRI: Methods, Interpretation, and Applications. Book chapter, paperback ISBN: 9780323916882


AARFD Grant, Alzheimer’s Association
Summa Cun Laude Merit Award, ISMRM, 2024
Young Investigator Award, BBRF, 2024


Translational Neuroimaging and Neural Control Lab