Hong-Hsi Lee, MD, PhD, is a medical imaging scientist with diverse background and extensive research experience in biophysical modeling, numerical simulations, tissue biology, and in vivo human imaging. His undergraduate and master’s training in medicine and physics in Taiwan and subsequent doctoral and postdoctoral training at New York University (NYU) and Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) have enabled him to formulate important questions in biomedical research and answer them through a powerful combination of biophysical modeling and experiments in MRI. He currently conducts research on methodology development in neuroimaging to improve the understanding of brain structure and function and aid in the assessment of disease progression and treatment response noninvasively, with a focus on neurodegenerative diseases.


PhD, MPhil, MS, Biomedical Imaging, New York University School of Medicine
MD, MS, National Taiwan University

Select Publications

1. Lee HH, Yaros K, Veraart J, Pathan JL, Liang FX, Kim SG, Novikov DS, Fieremans E. Along-axon diameter variation and axonal orientation dispersion revealed with 3D electron microscopy: implications for quantifying brain white matter microstructure with histology and diffusion MRI. Brain Structure and Function. 2019 Feb 21;224(4):1469-1488. PMID: 30790073. (Editor’s Choice Award by Cajal Club)

2. Lee HH*, Tian Q*, Sheft M, Coronado-Leija R, Ramos-Llorden G, Abdollahzadeh A, Fieremans E, Novikov DS, Huang SY. The effects of axonal beading and undulation on axonal diameter estimation from diffusion MRI: Insights from simulations in human axons segmented from 3-dimensional electron microscopy. NMR in Biomedicine. 2024 Jan 2;e5087. PMID: 38168082. (*co-corresponding authors)

3. Lee H*, Lee HH*, Ma Y, Eskandarian L, Gaudet K, Tian Q, Krijnen EA, Russo AW, Salat DH, Klawiter EC, Huang SY. Age-related alterations in human cortical microstructure across the lifespan: Insights form high-gradient diffusion MRI. Aging Cell. 2024 Aug 8:e14267. PMID: 39118344. (*co-first authors)


2021 NIH Early Independence Award
2021 ISMRM Junior Fellow
2024 ISMRM AMPC selection