Education lies at the heart of everything we do: from training the next generation of scientists – students and postdoctoral fellows, among others – to hosting immersive, weeklong courses covering a range of advanced imaging techniques.
Educational Courses
The Martinos Center has for many years hosted educational courses in the area of biomedical imaging, including the below. You can find details about upcoming programs and registration information on the Education @ Martinos website.
- Connectivity Course
- The CONN Toolbox
- fMRI Visiting Fellowship Program
- Laminar fMRI Course
- The Multimodality Short Course
- State-of-the-Art in MultiModality Functional Brain Imaging
- FreeSurfer Tutorial and Workshop
HST Courses
Martinos faculty teach several courses in the Harvard-MIT Program in Health Sciences and Technology, including the courses listed below. Learn more on our HST Courses page.
- HST.583/9.583 Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Data Acquisition and Analysis
- HST.584/22.561 Magnetic Resonance Analytic, Biochemical, and Imaging Techniques
Other Opportunities for Students
We are especially proud of our relationships with students from institutions throughout the Boston area: Harvard, MIT and a host of others. Students’ education in the Center includes working alongside Martinos faculty, performing cutting-edge research and learning from the myriad opportunities they have to interact with world-class investigators. If you are a student and interested in joining the Center, please visit our Students page.
T32 Postdoctoral Program to Enrich Translation and Multimodal Research in Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias
The primary mission of this program is to promote the development of a diverse, translational research workforce that is capable of participating and/or leading cross-disciplinary team science relevant for the treatment and prevention of Alzheimer’s disease and AD-related dementias. Trainees in the program pursue a targeted research project under the mentorship of world-class researchers in the Harvard research community, most of whom are Martinos Center faculty. Please visit the T32 ADRD page to learn more.
Seminar Series
Our educational offerings also include several seminar series. The BrainMap series highlights the latest findings from researchers both within and outside the Center studying all aspects of brain structure and function. In weekly Science on Tap talks, held during Friday afternoon social gatherings, Martinos investigators provide lively and easily digestible 10-minute overviews of their work. The Why & How series focuses on the spectrum of imaging tools used in the Center, with our resident experts explaining the nuts and bolts of the tools and when to apply them. Martinnovate is a seminar series that focuses on commercialization, entrepreneurship, and innovation. Finally, the Molecular Imaging series features talks on molecular imaging by invited speakers from around the world, as well as by investigators who call the Martinos Center or affiliated institutions home.