The backbone of the Martinos Center is the Martinos Technology Core, comprising Imaging and Computational Core resources. The Imaging Cores include the MRI, MEG and Optical Imaging Cores, with an extensive and expanding inventory of state-of-the-art imaging facilities and equipment, including related laboratories and testing rooms. The Computational Core oversees data processing, computational infrastructure, software and hardware issues. Together, the Imaging and Computational Cores develop and provide state-of-the art biomedical imaging and image processing technology and techniques to the Center’s research faculty and user community.

The Core resources are fully supported by user fees drawn from research grants, instrumentation grants and industry agreements. The core facilities are available for use to all qualified investigators from academic, medical, government and industry labs. While the mission primarily involves research and development, the Core also provides a clinical MEG service to the hospital (MGH). A clinical MRI service is not available.

Please contact with questions about using the Core resources.


Martinos Center FY25 Fee Schedule

October 1, 2024 - September 30, 2025
IMAGINGPlease complete Industry Study Intake Form
Large Bore
In VivoPer Hour$695$1,001
Ex VivoPer Hour$325$468
Small Bore
In VivoPer Hour$325$468
Ex VivoPer Hour$150$216
Micro PET-CTPer Hour$325$468
MEGPer Hour$695$1,001
IVIS Optical ImagingPer Hour$100$144
NMR SpectroscopyPer Hour$90$130
3 Photon MicroscopePer Hour$80$115
ConsultingPer Hour$80$115
MR-PET Scan Fee (in addition to imaging fee)Per Scan$625$900
FDG RadiotracerPer Scan$625$900
In-House Non-FDG RadiotracerPer Scan$2,390$3,442
Cyclotron-Produced RadionuclidePer Scan$860$1,238
Radiotracer AdministrationPer Scan$425$612
Blood AnalysisPer Scan$740$1,066
Protein BindingPer Scan$175$252
Anesthesiologist (MD/NP)Per Scan$405$583
User FeePer Year$4,000$5,760
TMS Use FeePer 2 Hour Slot$600$864
NMR Linux Workstation InstallationPer Workstation$460.00$662.40
Workstation MaintenancePer Month$25.41$36.60
NMR Unix AccountPer Month$17.08$24.60
IT ConsultationPer Hour$185.00$266.40
Server SetupPer Server$1,225.00$1,764.00
Server InstallationPer Server U$205.00$295.20
Data Center Support ChargeTBD - Relative to Data Storage Usageminimum $75 with expotentially decreasing TB rate
Data StoragePer TB Per Month$26.67$38.40