Fang Liu

Fang Liu is the Director of the Intelligent Imaging Innovation and Translation Lab at Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging and Assistant Professor of Radiology at Harvard Medical School. His research focuses on medical image acquisition and reconstruction, image analysis and proces...

Jodi Gilman

Dr. Gilman is an Associate Professor at Harvard Medical School (HMS) Department of Psychiatry and the Director of Neuroimaging at the Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) Center for Addiction Medicine. Her research uses multi-modal imaging, behavioral and cognitive testing to understand the biolo...

Vitaly Napadow

Vitaly Napadow is a Professor at Harvard Medical School and the Director of the Scott Schoen and Nancy Adams Discovery Center for Recovery from Chronic Pain at Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital and the Director of the Center for Integrative Pain NeuroImaging (CiPNI)) at the Martinos Center for Bi...

Heidi Jacobs

The Jacobs Lab aims to detect the earliest brain changes that contribute to cognitive decline and behavioral changes associated with the earliest stages of Alzheimer's disease. Our focus is on neuroimaging method development, biomarker evaluation and testing new preventive interventions targeting...

Matthew Sacchet

Dr. Matthew D. Sacchet, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor and the Director of the Meditation Research Program at Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital (Mass General). Dr. Sacchet and his team study advanced meditation: states and stages of contemplative practice that unfold wit...

Dania Daye

Dania Daye, MD, PhD is an Assistant Professor of Radiology at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) and Harvard Medical School. She is the co-director of IR Research at MGH and Director of the Precision Interventional and Medical Imaging (PIMI) Research Group. Her research centers around the appli...

Albert Kim

I am an oncologist with interests in using machine learning and Omics to develop precision-based treatment paradigms and study therapuetic resistance. My laboratory efforts leverage Omics-based techniques, medical imaging (e.g., radiology, pathology), and machine learning to define and target ge...

Mathias Davids

Mathias Davids, PhD, is currently an Instructor in Radiology at Harvard Medical School. He received a BSc in Biomedical Engineering at University of Luebeck in 2011, and an MSc and Ph.D. in Biomedical Physics at Heidelberg University in 2014 and 2018, respectively. Dr. Davids has a strong backgro...

Ilknur Ay

Dr. Ay is an Assistant Professor at the Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School. She has a broad background in vascular pharmacology with fellowship training in neuroscience at the Massachusetts General Hospital. Dr. Ay’s main researc...

Bruce Rosen

Bruce Rosen, MD, PhD, is Director of the Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging at Massachusetts General Hospital and the Laurence Lamson Robbins Professor of Radiology at Harvard Medical School. He received his MD degree from Hahnemann Medical College in Philadelphia in 1982 and his...

Zdravka Medarova

Zdravka Medarova, PhD, is an Associate Professor of Radiology at Harvard Medical School. She is a geneticist/cancer biologist by training and has an extensive background in molecular biology, genetics, and tumor biology and therapy. The focus of her research has been the development and testing o...

Ciprian Catana

Dr. Catana is director of Integrated MR-PET Imaging at the MGH Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging and a Professor in Radiology at Harvard Medical School. He has extensive experience in combining PET and MRI and is currently focusing on developing quantitative MR-PET for human use. Working clo...

Jason Stockmann

Jason Stockmann, PhD, is broadly interested in magnetic resonance imaging hardware and acquisition methods for improving data quality for both structural and functional imaging. He has worked on diverse MRI scanners ranging in field strength by two orders of magnitude, from low-field (80 mT) to u...

Lucia Navarro de Lara

My research is focused on elucidating the mechanisms of network-level brain responses to non-invasive brain stimulation methods. Based on the development of the “RF-EEG Cap”, the first-of-its-kind wearable RF head coil and the related signal processing tools, I envision a complete solution for co...

Hamid Sabet

Hamid Sabet, is Assistant Professor of Radiology at Harvard Medical School and a Cyclotron/Medical Physicist at the Division of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, Radiology Department, Massachusetts General Hospital. He is the director of Radiation Physics and Instrumentation Lab at the Mart...

Bragi Sveinsson

Dr. Bragi Sveinsson is an Assistant Professor in Radiology at Harvard Medical School. He earned his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University, where his focus area was Magnetic Resonance Imaging, or MRI. In his research, Dr. Sveinsson is mainly interested in imaging methods for ...

Qiyuan Tian

Dr. Tian’s research lies at the interface of neuroimaging, signal processing, machine learning and neuroscience. He is interested in developing cutting-edge human neuroimaging methods using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), particularly diffusion MRI, for mapping the tissue microstructure and str...

Yi-Fen Yen

Over the past two decades, Dr. Yen has devoted herself to the development of advanced MRI techniques, for hyperpolarized metabolic imaging, cancer imaging and functional imaging in clinical and pre-clinical research. She is an MR physicist with >100 publications in peer-reviewed scientific jou...

Shasha Li

Shasha Li, M.D., Ph.D., joined the faculty at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) and Harvard Medical School (HMS) with the goal of improving the understanding of the physiological implications of altered neural networks in neurological diseases. She has made substantial contributions to the fie...

Eric Gale

Dr. Gale applies chemistry to solve unmet challenges in radiology and biomedical imaging. A major area of current focus is developing magnetic resonance imaging probes to non-invasively map and quantify pathologic change at the molecular level. His group is capitalizing on the transition metal p...