Robert Savoy

Dr. Savoy received his academic training in applied mathematics at MIT (BS 1971; MS 1975) and experimental psychology at Harvard University (PhD 1980). This period included 10 years of work at Polaroid Corporation’s Vision Research Laboratory, after which he joined the newly formed Rowland Instit...

Chieh-En (Jane) Tseng

I am an Instructor in Radiology with expertise in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and positron emission tomography (PET). My PhD focused on using structural, diffusion, and functional MRI to study cognitive functions and related neuroanatomy in very preterm born adults. I completed my postdoctor...

Nicole Zurcher Wimmer

Nicole Zürcher, PhD, is Assistant Professor of Radiology at Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), a faculty member at the A. A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging and the Director of Human Imaging in the Chemical Neuroscience Program. She is Faculty Associate at the...

Xue-Jun (June) Kong

Xue-Jun (June) Kong, M.D. Principal Investigator and Director of Synapse Autism program at Martinos Center/Mass General Hospital, Principal Investigator and Attending Physician at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Assistant Professor of Harvard Medical School. She leads her Autism research te...

Jacob Hooker

Jacob Hooker, PhD, is currently Lurie Family Professor of Radiology in the Field of Autism Research and a Phyllis and Jerome Lyle Rappaport MGH Research Scholar. Dr. Hooker also serves as Scientific Director of the Lurie Center for Autism, as editor-in-chief for ACS Chemical Neuroscience and has...

Lilianne Mujica-Parodi

Lilianne R. Mujica-Parodi is Director of the Laboratory for Computational Neurodiagnostics (LCNeuro). LCNeuro's research focuses on the application of control systems engineering and dynamical systems to imaging-derived time series, at all scales: from human fMRI, M/EEG, fNIRS to rodent LFP and c...

Jyrki Ahveninen

Dr. Ahveninen's mission is to apply novel and improved techniques to achieve more accurate estimates of human brain function than previously achieved. His work focuses on neuroimaging of human auditory system, auditory working memory and higher-order auditory cognition using techniques including ...

Kestas Kveraga

Dr. Kveraga is a cognitive neuroscientist who studies the neural mechanisms of threat perception from naturalistic stimuli, with strong interests in visual pathway function and autism. He is also interested in neural aesthetics and how brain activity can be employed to predict and shape architect...

Changning Wang

Changning Wang, PhD, has a unique and broad background in molecular imaging, medicinal chemistry, pharmaceutical sciences and neuroscience. After finishing his doctoral studies, he joined Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging as a research fellow and later as a trainee in the Harvard/MGH Nuclear...

Anastasia Yendiki

Dr. Anastasia Yendiki's background is in statistical signal and image processing. She received a PhD in Electrical Engineering: Systems from the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, where she worked on inverse problems in tomographic reconstruction for nuclear imaging under the supervision of Jef...

Maria Mody

Maria Mody, PhD, is a cognitive neuroscientist specializing in neuroimaging of communication abilities in children and adults, with a focus on autism and dyslexia.The goal of her research is to identify core behaviors in developmental disorders of speech and language and the underlying neural mec...

Nouchine Hadjikhani

Nouchine Hadjikhani, MD, PhD, is an Associate Professor of Radiology at Harvard Medical School, where she directs the Neurolimbic Research Laboratory. She is also an Assistant in Neurosciences at the Massachusetts General Hospital and a visiting professor at GNC, Gothenburg University, Sweden. Sh...

Seppo Ahlfors

Dr. Ahlfor's research focuses on non-invasive neuroimaging --- in particular, the analysis and interpretation of magnetoencephalography (MEG) signals. He has developed methodologies for multimodal integration of MEG, electroencephalography (EEG) and structural and functional magnetic resonance im...

Andre van der Kouwe

Dr. van der Kouwe does research in the field of MRI pulse sequence design and image analysis. He supports neuroscience research at the MGH and collaborating institutions by improving acquisition methods, providing techniques such as high-reliability imaging for quantitative brain morphometry with...

Marta Bianciardi

Marta Bianciardi, PhD, joined the faculty at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) and Harvard Medical School (HMS) with the goal of developing an in vivo neuroimaging-based atlas and connectome of brainstem nuclei by 7 Tesla MRI, to enhance our knowledge and the quality of patient care in disorde...