Magnetic Resonance Imaging

The Center's magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) facilities include the following. Large-bore MRI Systems  * All subject bays are equipped with Blu-ray/DVD players for subject entertainment Bay 1: Siemens 3T MRI Skyra with 128ch receive capabilities and 2ch pTx This is a Siemens 3T Skyra wit...

Education & Diversity

Education lies at the heart of everything we do: from training the next generation of scientists - students and postdoctoral fellows, among others - to hosting immersive, weeklong courses covering a range of advanced imaging techniques. Educational Courses The Martinos Center has for many years...

Imaging Services

The backbone of the Martinos Center is the Martinos Technology Core, comprising Imaging and Computational Core resources. The Imaging Cores include the MRI, MEG and Optical Imaging Cores, with an extensive and expanding inventory of state-of-the-art imaging facilities and equipment, including rel...

Jerome Ackerman

Jerome Ackerman, PhD, has conducted research in magnetic resonance for over 45 years, and has led the solid-state MR program at MGH for over 30 years. As of May, 2019, his work (over 100 peer-reviewed journal articles, reviews, chapters and patents; over 200 abstracts) has been cited 5048 times (...

Stephen Cauley

Stephen Cauley, PhD, is an Assistant Professor of Radiology at Harvard Medical School. He received his BS and PhD in Electrical & Computer Engineering (ECE) from Purdue University. Prior to joining the A.A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging he held positions as a Visiting Assistant Profe...

Facilitating Integration of AI Into Radiology Practice

The Quantitative Translational Imaging in Medicine (QTIM) Lab at the MGH Martinos Center has contributed to the advancement of artificial intelligence in radiology practice in myriad ways. Not least: the group collaborated with the American College of Radiology Data Science Institute (ACR-DSI) in...

Kawin Setsompop

Dr. Setsompop is an Associate Professor of Radiology at Harvard Medical School and an affiliated faculty member at Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology (HST). He received his Master’s degree in Engineering Science from Oxford University and his PhD in Electrical Engineering and ...

Bragi Sveinsson

Dr. Bragi Sveinsson is an Assistant Professor in Radiology at Harvard Medical School. He earned his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University, where his focus area was Magnetic Resonance Imaging, or MRI. In his research, Dr. Sveinsson is mainly interested in imaging methods for ...

Vitaly Napadow

Vitaly Napadow is a Professor at Harvard Medical School and the Director of the Scott Schoen and Nancy Adams Discovery Center for Recovery from Chronic Pain at Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital and the Director of the Center for Integrative Pain NeuroImaging (CiPNI)) at the Martinos Center for Bi...

Wellness Resources

To offer support to its staff and researchers, Partners, MGH, and several other groups have put together resources that address the challenges we may be facing in our day-to-day lives as we handle this unique situation. Here, we compile those resources & information to make it easier for you ...

Anand Kumar

Dr. Kumar's research is focused on development and translation of novel biomedical optical techniques for preclinical and clinical applications. He has more than 15 years of experience in theory, modeling and experimental aspects of biological optical imaging. Over the past decade, his group has ...

Optical Imaging

The Martinos Optics Research facilities consists of multiple separate lab facilities including 1) fiber optic and electronics fabrication and testing, 2) instrumentation system development and testing, 3) small animal studies, 4) optical physics labs with floating tables, and 5) human subject tes...

Lilla Zollei

Dr. Lilla Zollei's research focuses on the design and development of quantitative analysis tools for neuroscientific problems. She builds and tests computational tools that can be used for both individual and group studies and investigate, through the combination of image information from multipl...

Changning Wang

Changning Wang, PhD, has a unique and broad background in molecular imaging, medicinal chemistry, pharmaceutical sciences and neuroscience. After finishing his doctoral studies, he joined Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging as a research fellow and later as a trainee in the Harvard/MGH Nuclear...