About me:
I am an Associate Professor in Radiology at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School. I head the BRAIN (Bilgic Reconstruction Acquisition for Imaging Neuroscience) lab at the Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging.
I am interested in MRI data acquisition and reconstruction, in particular,
- Fast clinical imaging,
- Self-supervised machine learning,
- Quantitative parameter mapping,
- Diffusion imaging, and
- Open-source pulse sequence development.
- Associate Professor in Radiology, MGH/Harvard, Nov 2023 -
- Affiliated Faculty, Health Sciences & Technology, Harvard-MIT, Jun 2018 -
- Assistant Professor in Radiology, MGH/Harvard, Jun 2019 - Nov 2023
- Instructor in Radiology, MGH/Harvard, May 2016 - Jun 2019
- Research Fellow in Radiology, MGH/Harvard, Feb 2013 - May 2016
- PhD in EECS, MIT, Feb 2010 - Feb 2013
- SM in EECS, MIT, Sep 2008 - Feb 2010
- BS in EE, Bogazici University, Sep 2004 - Jun 2008
- BS in Physics, Bogazici University, Sep 2004 - Jun 2008
A research fellowship in novel acquisition and reconstruction strategies for high-fidelity MRI is open in our group, effective December 2024. Flyer
News from the ISMRM'24 conference:
- Shohei wins the Prince-Meaney Translational Science Award
- Shohei wins the 2023-24 Clinical Translation Challenge: Unmet Needs
- Yohan becomes a Junior Fellow of ISMRM
- Yohan earns a Summa Cum Laude award for top 5% abstract, also selected among the AMPC Higlighted abstracts
- Yohan wins the Diffusion Study Group best trainee presentation award
News: Abstracts and software from the ISMRM'23 conference:
- H Yu et al: SubZero: Subspace Zero-Shot MRI Reconstruction, #0829, power pitch Python code on GitHub
- A Heydari et al: Joint MR T1 and T2* Parameter Mapping with Scan Specific Unsupervised Networks, #1617, digital poster Python code on GitHub
- IA Vurankaya et al: Self-Supervised Deep Learning Reconstruction for Highly Accelerated Diffusion Imaging, #0831, power pitch Python code on GitHub
- Y Arefeen et al: Improved T1 and T2 mapping in 3D-QALAS using temporal subspaces and Cramer-Rao-bound flip angle optimization enabled by auto-differentiation, #0671, oral Python code on GitHub
- X Wang et al: Model-based phase-difference reconstruction for accelerated phase-based T2 mapping, #4960, digital poster BART code on GitHub
- X Wang et al: An Open-Source Self-navigated Multi-Echo Gradient Echo Acquisition for R2* and QSM mapping using Pulseq and Model-Based Reconstruction, #0420, combined educational & scientific session Matlab code on GitHub
- Y Jun et al: Zero-DeepSub: Zero-Shot Deep Subspace Reconstruction for Multiparametric Quantitative MRI Using QALAS, #1105, power pitch Python code on GitHub
- Y Jun et al: SSL-QALAS: Self-Supervised Learning for Multiparametric Quantitative MRI Using QALAS, #2155, digital poster Python code on GitHub
- TH Kim et al: Multi-echo MRI Reconstruction with Iteratively Refined Zero-shot Spatio-Temporal Deep Generative Prior, #0828, power pitch Python code on GitHub
- J Cho et al: VUDU-SAGE: Efficient T2 and T2* Mapping using Joint Reconstruction for Motion-Robust, Distortion-Free, Multi-Shot, Multi-Echo EPI, #2202, digital poster Matlab code on GitHub
- G Varela-Mattatall et al: Rapid Mesoscale MP2RAGE Imaging at Ultra High Field with Controlled Aliasing, #0539, oral Matlab code on GitLab
Abstracts and software from the Data Sampling and Image Reconstruction workshop, Sedona'23:
- Y Jun et al: Deep Subspace Reconstruction with Zero-Shot Learning for Multiparametric Quantitative MRI, oral PDF
- TH Kim et al: Zero-shot Prior Learning of Spatio-temporal Multi-echo/contrast MRI Reconstruction with Iterative Refinement PDF Code
- G Varela Mattatall et al: Parallel CS-Wave PDF
- X Wang et al: Model-Based Phase-Difference Reconstruction for Accelerated Phase-Based T2 Mapping PDF
- J Cho et al: VUDU-SAGE: Efficient T2 and T2* Mapping using Joint Reconstruction for Motion-Robust, Distortion-Free, Multi-Shot, Multi-Echo EPI PDF Code
- Y Arefeen et al: Improved T1 and T2 mapping in 3D-QALAS using temporal subspaces and flip angle optimization enabled by auto-differentiation PDF
- X Wang et al: Open-Source Self-navigated Multi-Echo GRE Acquisition for R2* and QSM mapping using Pulseq and Model-Based Reconstruction PDF Code
- X Wang et al: Model-Based Reconstruction for Joint Estimation of T1, T2 and B0 Inhomogeneity Maps Using Single-Shot Inversion-Recovery Multi-Echo Radial FLASH PDF
- Y Arefeen et al: Learning compact latent representations of signal evolution for improved shuffling reconstruction, #0247 Latent shuffling code on Github
- J Cho et al: Variable Flip, Blip-Up and -Down Undersampling (VUDU) Enables Motion-Robust, Distortion-Free Multi-Shot EPI, #0757 VUDU code on Github
- J Cho et al: Rapid Quantitative Imaging Using Wave-Encoded Model-Based Deep Learning for Joint Reconstruction, #0435 wave-MoDL code on Github
- MY Avci et al: Quantifying the uncertainty of neural networks using Monte Carlo dropout for safer and more accurate deep learning based quantitative MRI, #4978 Monte Carlo dropout code on Github
- A Lin et al: Bayesian sensitivity encoding enables parameter-free, highly accelerated joint multi-contrast reconstruction, #3444 joint Bayesian sensitivity encoding code on Github
- TH Kim et al: Accelerated MR Parameter Mapping with Scan-specific Unsupervised Networks, #4402 MAPLE code on Github
- G Varela-Mattatall et al: Rapid CS-Wave MPRAGE acquisition with automated parameter selection, #1604 CS-Wave code on Github
We gratefully acknowledge our completed or current funding:
NVIDIA GPU Grant to support machine learning researchChinese Scholarship Council (CSC) fellowship: (to Zijing Zhang)
Office of China Postdoc Council (OCPC) fellowship: (to Zhifeng Chen)
MIT International Science & Technology Initiatives (MISTI) Grant
MGH ECOR Formulaic Bridge Funding
NIH R01 EB028797
NIH R03 EB031175
ISMRM Research Exchange Grant Program: (to Gabriel Varela-Mattatall)
NIH R01 EB032378
NIH T32 EB001680 Neuroimaging training program fellowship: (to Yamin Arefeen)
JSPS Overseas Research Fellowship: (to Shohei Fujita)
NIH UG3 EB034875
Zhejiang University Education Foundation: (to Yuting Cheng)
Swiss National Science Foundation mobility grant: (to Quentin Uhl)
NIH R01 EB034757
NIH R21 AG082377
NIH S10 OD036263