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Martinos Center investigators are engaged in translational research and technology development with a range of imaging modalities. We are always happy to answer any questions you may have about the work they are conducting and how you can get involved. What would you like to do? Email us ...

5 Things You Didn’t Know About David Cohen and MEG

Last week the MGH Martinos Center dedicated its advanced magnetoencephalography (MEG) facility as the David Cohen MEG Laboratory. Cohen—the inventor of MEG, a leader in the field of biomagnetism for more than 50 years, and a Martinos Center faculty member who was instrumental in building and deve...

Kawin Setsompop

Dr. Setsompop is an Associate Professor of Radiology at Harvard Medical School and an affiliated faculty member at Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology (HST). He received his Master’s degree in Engineering Science from Oxford University and his PhD in Electrical Engineering and ...

The Past, Present and Future of Molecular Imaging @ Martinos

Over the past several months, the MGH Martinos Center has been both celebrating the past and looking toward the future of its molecular imaging effort – with a symposium held last fall and now a series of initiatives designed to bolster the molecular imaging community. While there has always b...

Nutrition and Brain Growth in the Developing World

The aging pickup truck bounces along a dirt road somewhere outside Bissora, one of the larger towns in the Oio region of the West African nation of Guinea-Bissau. The road, a major thoroughfare in the region, is pocked with holes. The rest of the year these would be deep and dusty. But it’s July ...

Peter Caravan Promoted to Full Professor

The Center's Peter Caravan has been named Professor of Radiology at Harvard Medical School. Caravan is Director of a multidisciplinary and translational molecular imaging group at the Center (the Caravan Lab) and co-director of the Institute for Innovation in Imaging (I3) at Massachusetts Gene...

Bruce Fischl

Bruce Fischl, PhD, is a Professor of Radiology at Harvard Medical School and Director of the Laboratory for Computational Neuroimaging at the Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging. A leader in the field of image processing and analysis, he has spearheaded the development of a range of innovative...

Julie Price

One of the Center's newest senior faculty members, Julie Price, PhD, brings to the Martinos community a wealth of experience with quantitative positron emission tomography (PET). With this technique, researchers study the dynamics of the PET radiotracer in vivo in order to obtain absolute measure...

New Bedside MRI Scanner Inspired by Martinos Center Research

Fundamental research by Professor Matthew Rosen, Director of the Low-Field Imaging Laboratory in the MGH Martinos Center, contributed to the early development of a new portable MRI scanner by Hyperfine Research Inc. The potentially game-changing technology will be introduced this week at the Amer...

Risk, Resiliency in Aging Brain Focus of $33 Million Grant

A large study that investigates just what keeps our brains sharp as we age and what contributes to cognitive decline has been launched by Martinos Center researchers in collaboration with colleagues from Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis, the University of Minnesota Medical Sc...

Student FAQ

What type of students work at the Martinos Center? The Martinos Center is home to full-time Ph.D. and Master's students from various backgrounds, ranging from Physics, Chemistry, Computer Science and Engineering to Biology, Neuroscience and Psychology. The breadth of research at the Center provi...

Nanodiamond-enhanced MRI: A Dazzling New Approach to Imaging

Nanodiamonds – synthetic industrial diamonds only a few nanometers in size – have recently attracted considerable attention because of the potential they offer for the targeted delivery of vaccines and cancer drugs as well as for other uses. Thus far, options for imaging nanodiamonds have been li...